.. _latestRelease: Latest release ============== .. important:: Using the Software, You agree to be bound by its :ref:`Licence <licencePage>`. If You disagree with the terms of the Licence, You may not use the Software. Once downloaded, go to the :ref:`Installation <Installation>` page and follow the instructions. Linux and MacOSX version ------------------------ .. only:: builder_html :download:`Fred v. 3.76.0 <https://www.fred-mc.org/FRED_repository/Linux/fred_3.76.0.run>` Windows 10 version ------------------ .. only:: builder_html :download:`Fred v. 3.70.0 <https://www.fred-mc.org/FRED_repository/Windows/fred_3.70.0.exe>` Previous versions download page +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ `Linux and MacOSX <https://www.fred-mc.org/FRED_repository/Linux/>`_ `Windows <https://www.fred-mc.org/FRED_repository/Windows/>`_ .. .. warning:: .. This version was tested on NVIDIA hardware using the NVIDIA drivers until version 470. .. Newer drivers (e.g. 535 or later versions) have been reported to be not very stable. We are currently trying to fix the problem which is problably due to changes in the NVIDIA implementation of OpenCL driver. .. Please report to us problems you might encounter. (last updated: Nov 2023)